Mommy & Me Sessions – Treating Mother and Child Together

Schedule Your Combined Adult-Pediatric Acupuncture Appointment Today!
Traditional Chinese Medicine Sessions for Mother and Child

Our Mommy & Me Sessions are rooted in the ancient practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine and designed for mothers who want to continue their regular treatments while introducing their child to the practice and benefits of natural medicine. In these sessions, mothers receive their personalized acupuncture treatment while their children engage in a tailored pediatric experience. Whether it’s to address ongoing health concerns or simply to maintain wellness, these sessions are crafted to suit the unique needs of both mother and child.

For the child, these sessions are an opportunity to explore natural healing methods in a safe and nurturing environment. For the mother, it’s a chance to continue regular treatments without worrying about childcare, as we treat both mother and child simultaneously in the same serene room. The benefits extend beyond physical health, as these sessions encourage mindfulness, presence, and a deeper connection between mother and child.

Conditions We Treat

We treat children to address imbalances caused by many different conditions, including upper respiratory infections, cough, asthma, allergies, eczema, abdominal pain, poor sleep, chronic sinus and throat congestion, recurrent ear infections, weak immune system, anxiety, bedwetting, ADHD, and slow growth and development.


Persistent cough in children may indicate an underlying condition such as allergies or an upper respiratory infection, even after the use of antibiotics. Chinese medicine is very effective in treating the root cause of persistent cough, and helps prevent misdiagnosed asthma in some cases.

Recurrent Ear Infections

Recurrent ear infections are common in young children, especially after frequent use of antibiotics. Adding herbal medicine to treat the residule side effects caused by antibiotics can help solve the root problems and stop the vicious cycle of recurrent ear infections, as well as prevent further upper respiratory infections.

Poor Sleep

Many children struggle with poor sleep, which can affect their mood, behavior, and overall health. Identifying and addressing underlying issues such as anxiety or breathing problems can help improve sleep quality and duration.

Weak Immune System

A weak immune system can make children more susceptible to frequent illnesses. Strengthening immunity through a balanced diet, proper rest, and natural treatments can help enhance the body’s ability to fight infections.

Slow Growth and Development

Slow growth and development is a common concern for parents. It’s important to address any underlying nutritional or health issues to support healthy growth and ensure children reach their developmental milestones.

Methods Used for Children Ages 3-10

Children are naturally curious, and our Mommy & Me Sessions introduce them to the gentle, non-invasive techniques used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Depending on the child’s age and health needs, we may use a variety of methods including:


Applied to specific points to stimulate energy flow without the use of needles.

Ear Seeds

Tiny seeds placed on the ear that gently press on acupuncture points, promoting balance and calm.


Small cups are placed on the skin to enhance circulation and promote healing.


A warming therapy that uses the herb moxa to stimulate acupuncture points.

Pediatric Massage

Pediatric massage is a unique TCM physiotherapy for children’s health and wellness. Performed routinely, it can help improve children’s digestive function, immune system, and growth and brain development.


We offer premium, vegetarian-friendly herbal formulas that support your child’s health.

These methods are chosen with the utmost care, ensuring that each child is comfortable and engaged during the session. The treatments typically last 10-15 minutes, focusing on introducing your child to the world of natural medicine in a positive and educational way.

How Mommy & Me Sessions Work

Mommy & Me Sessions are structured to provide comprehensive care for both mother and child in one seamless experience. Here’s how it works:

  • Arrival and Setup: When you arrive, both you and your child will be shown to a tranquil treatment room. You’ll find a comfortable treatment table for yourself and a recliner for your child.
  • Mom’s Treatment: The session begins with you. After a brief consultation, our practitioner will start your acupuncture treatment, allowing you to relax and unwind. This phase typically lasts 10-15 minutes, giving you a moment of peace while your child observes or engages in quiet activities.
  • Child’s Treatment: Once you’re settled, attention shifts to your child. Depending on their needs and comfort level, they may receive a gentle treatment involving magnets, ear seeds, cupping, or another child-friendly method. The treatment for children is usually brief, designed to introduce them to the process in a way that is both calming and beneficial.
  • Shared Healing: Throughout the session, both mother and child experience the healing effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine together. This shared experience fosters a deeper connection and a mutual appreciation for the benefits of traditional healing.
  • Session Duration: The total duration of a Mommy & Me Session varies depending on the treatments involved but typically lasts around 30-45 minutes.
  • Frequency of Sessions: For ongoing conditions, weekly sessions are recommended. However, many clients also choose to come for maintenance or wellness check-ins as needed.

Who Can Join? Each session is designed for the mother and one child, ages 3-10. Older children and teenagers are welcome to schedule a separate session.

Hear From Other Moms
Schedule Your Mommy & Me Session Now
Taking time for your health and well-being is essential, and our Mommy & Me Sessions make it possible to care for yourself while introducing your child to the benefits of natural medicine. These sessions are available by appointment only, so we encourage you to visit us in person or contact us directly to schedule your session.

As an added incentive, if your child is tagging along to observe and learn rather than receiving treatments to address a health concern, the cost of their session is half the price of a typical session. Whether you’re coming for regular treatments or a one-time wellness visit, these sessions offer a valuable opportunity for both you and your child to experience the nurturing power of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Only the Best for Your Child

  • Space is limited, book in advance.
  • 50% off for children when treating with a parent.
Frequently Asked Questions
What to know before making the appointment?
Please help your child understand there is no involvement of needles piercing the skin through the treatment, so there won’t be any pain or discomfort. Get their verbal consent if possible. The more mentally prepared they are, the better outcome you would get during these shared experience sessions.
What to know before coming to the appointment?
Please wear relaxed clothing and try to eat something, a small meal or a healthy snack before the appointment. Don’t come feeling rushed or hungry.
Do you treat older kids or teenagers?
Absolutely! Teenagers are treated individually without the companionship of a parent. We love to help teenagers feel more balanced, confident and grounded. Common conditions we treat include anxiety, depression, poor digestion, acne, poor sleep, eating disorders, weight problems, painful periods, and etc.
How often should my child receive follow-up treatment?
Children are incredibly responsive to energy medicine. For most conditions, any frequency works, once, twice or three times a month, however you can work out with your schedule.
Are there any side effects of these treatments?
There are no known side effects of the energy treatment since there are no substances introduced to the body. Some patients may feel more tired and sleepy after the session. It is completely normal after a relaxing treatment. Just listen to your body and rest. You are encouraged to speak to the doctor if you have any questions or concerns after the treatment.

Introduce your child to the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine while you relax during your next treatment. Space is limited, so book your Mommy & Me session today!

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