Acupuncture Helps Menopause Weight Loss

Acupuncture Helps Menopause Weight Loss

I’ve treated many women for menopause weight gain. Menopause weight loss is an especially stressful thing to have on your mind during the summer months when everybody is at the beach wearing their bikinis. Everyone except, of course, you. You’re too busy having hot...

The Treatment of Endometriosis with Acupuncture

The Treatment of Endometriosis with Acupuncture

Endometriosis affects 176 million women worldwide, and 10% of the women’s population is affected. Many of the symptoms of this disease are undetected or can be thought to be symptoms of menstruation. Endometriosis occurs when tissue like that which lines the uterus is...

Women’s Heart Health: What You Need to Know

Women’s Heart Health: What You Need to Know

One in three women dies every year from heart disease—that’s about one life lost every minute. The truth is that women’s heart health has a long way to go. Not enough women are aware of the risk that this devastating yet preventable disease poses to their health and...

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Happy New Year and welcome to 2017. Most people like to create new year’s resolutions, and many of those resolutions are to lose weight and to de-stress. Focus on the new year with a new you through the help of acupuncture. The ancient practice of acupuncture...

The Elimination of Holiday Stress with Acupuncture

The Elimination of Holiday Stress with Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us that the winter months are the best time to rejuvenate our vital energy, or Qi, so that we can look and feel our best. However, consumer culture has something else to say about that. The average American spends between 40 and 50...

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