Treating pain symptoms with Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history. In fact, acupuncture for pain management is traceable to 100 BCE in China. Because practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine and some Western doctors still use this ancient healing art,...
If you’ve ever suffered from severe period pain, you know that there can be days when you can’t even get out of bed, let alone take care of your responsibilities. According to researchers at the University of Auckland and Western Australia University, acupuncture can...
When you’re ready to get pregnant, waiting even a moment before conceiving can feel like an eternity. The truth, however, is that the natural fertility process can be fickle and take months or even years. The good news is that there are some things you can do to speed...
So you’ve got morning sickness. That’s just part of pregnancy, right? Maybe not with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. This is huge news for anyone who has experienced morning sickness and for women who are trying to get pregnant. I once had a patient with severe morning...
If you’re here to learn how to boost your fertility, know that you aren’t alone. Today, in America, the CDC estimates that 10% of women face varying degrees of fertility challenges. This means that 10% of women try to become pregnant for over a year unsuccessfully,...
Turning over a new leaf from one year to the next is supposed to be a cathartic experience. We make plans to better ourselves, to better our minds and our bodies. But what we often end up doing instead is overloading ourselves with new anxieties. While up to 70% of...